Computing and Programming

Distance & Motion Sensing
In this workshop, participants will learn about the science behind the different distance and motion sensors and integrate them with components learnt in the Introduction series to come up with real-life applications. Further applications to these sensors can be found in the field of robotics.
Introduction to Microcontrollers 1
In this workshop, participants will get to understand the different components of a development board used for prototyping. They will also get exposed to the C++ programming language and write simple programs using Arduino’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE). They will build circuitry on a breadboard using simple components such as buzzer, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and light dependent resistor (LDR). Mini projects will also be given during the session to enhance participants’ understanding of the various components
Introduction to Microcontrollers 2
Building on the previous workshop, Introduction to Microcontroller 1, participants will be introduced to more electronic components. For example, they will learn how to use a potentiometer to control a RGBLED to create a home mood lighting system.
Introduction to Microcontrollers 3
Ever wondered how an automated venting system works? Imagine yourself building a smart fan that can sense the temperature and control the motor accordingly.
Crime Investigation and Palaeontology

ArenaX – Crime Scene Investigation
Gear up (virtually) as a forensic scientist as you take on the latest edition of ArenaX – Crime Scene Investigation! Through this interactive, educator-facilitated online experience, students will investigate a triple murder through crime scene processing and evidence collection. This workshop was created by Science Centre Singapore and Digimagic Communications, in collaboration with Health Sciences Authority. A thrilling experience awaits for budding detectives!
ARenaX – Dinosaurs of Darkness
Through this workshop, you will solve problems, conquer challenges, and learn important scientific concepts in the process. This workshop was created by Science Centre Singapore and Digimagic Communications, with expert knowledge provided by Emerita Professor Patricia Vickers-Rich. Join us and be ready to begin your adventure at Polar Victoria, Australia!
Digital Fabrication

2D Stack Art
Do you like designing or making things? 2D Stack Art gives you a chance to do both! You can witness laser cutting, stack 2D surfaces and create interesting 3D art pieces!
Assistive Technology Workshop
The Assistive Technology Workshop involves a walkthrough of the Centre’s Dialogue With Time exhibition, which was designed to allow users to experience first-hand challenges faced by the elderly on a daily basis. While it is common to relate elderly as the main beneficial of assistive technology, it is important that those in need of assistive technology may be also used by individuals who have temporary or permanent conditions.
Fast Prototyping with 2D CAD Level 1
Learn 2D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software and start creating simple projects with precision! You do not need stencils, compasses or protractors. This powerful drawing application has the tools to take care of it all!
Fundamentals of 3D CAD
3D printing is the future. It is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to turn ideas into products!
STEM - TinkerCAD
In this workshop, the participants will explore the features and functions of Tinkercad. Tinkercad is a free, online 3D modelling program that runs on a web browser. It is known for its simple interface and ease of use. It is a popular platform for creating models for 3D printing. There would be a guided activity to create simple 3D designs. These designs can help people work around with different real world challenges!

Bacteria Outbreak
An outbreak has occurred and patients have been sent to the hospital with common symptoms and diarrhea. We need your assistance to stop the spread of the outbreak!
Bacteria Transformation
To help diabetic patients, human insulin has been mass produced by genetically engineering bacteria for many years. Genetic engineering may be controversial, yet it has its benefits. The thought of being able to genetically transform an organism is exciting yet intriguing at the same time. Come and immerse yourself in the magnificent world of genetic engineering and genetically transform bacteria to glow green (fluoresce)!
DNA and Us
Be a scientist at the Science Centre Singapore as you discover about DNA and extract DNA from a plant.
Forensic Analysis DNA Profiling
DNA profiling is the gold standard in forensic science and has been highly popularised by crime related programmes on the media. This experiment pursues the amplication of a single variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) locus, D1S80. Come and experience the work of a forensic scientist in analysing DNA profiles and learn techniques used in forensic science.
Forensic Science
Combine detective work and scientific investigation as you solve an intriguing burglary case that happened in a shopping mall.
Genetic Engineering
Have you wondered how human insulin is produced in the lab? This is done by bacteria using genetic engineering. Genetic engineering has been applied in many fields such as producing genetically modified food, genetic treatments and medicines.
PTC – The ‘Bitter’ Life of Super-tasters
Are your friends frustrated with you for being a fussy eater? Maybe it is because you are a super-taster! Find out how a single gene in our DNA can affect the ability to taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), a harmless bitter tasting chemical and how it may also affect our sensitiveness to other bitter compounds! Join us in this self-discovery hands-on workshop to find out if you have the PTC taste receptor gene!
Understanding our Immune System
Ever been intrigued by how our immune systems miraculously work to keep foreign organisms at bay? Join us in discovering the world of immunology and understanding vaccination through the use of a real-life diagnostic tool!
Food Science

A Jam Making Session
In this workshop, participants will learn how to create one of, if not, the most famous breakfast edible known to mankind! Join us as we explore the works on the creation of one of the most delicious and celebrated staples that is enjoyed by the masses.
I Scream for Ice-Cream
Participants will learn the processes involved in ice–cream making. They will discover how using different types of ingredients affects the final product.
Pizza Pizzazz
Learn to make the popular flat bread with exactly the toppings you want. Pupils learn all about proofing, punching, shaping, baking and enjoying their own creation – a tasty introduction to the science of bread making!
Fun with Science!

Fingerprint Magnets
Turn your fingerprint into a piece of art, and learn the science of fingerprints in the process!
Resin keychain
Tinker with resin and other materials to make a personalised keychain!
The Mystery of the Missing Cookies
Oh no! Someone stole the cookies that Grandma gave to Red Riding Hood. Be a junior detective to investigate who did it and search for the ingredients to bake scrumptious cookies!
The Very Dirty Rex
Rex the dinosaur refuses to shower! Learn the science of good hygiene, make dino egg bath bombs and have splashing time at WaterWorks!
Wiggly Bots
Learn about circuits and energy by making a wiggle bouncing bot using open-ended materials and a motor engine!

Maths Games and Problem Solving
In this fun workshop, exercise your critical thinking and creativity skills through a series of fun and challenging mathematical games, which includes constructing shapes and polygons, cracking codes, arranging objects and numbers into the correct sequences or simply finding the missing piece to the puzzle.

Blast Off!
Do you want to learn how to build an air rocket? Join us at this hands-on workshop and learn how to build your own rocket using only commonly available materials! Learn about the physics behind rocket science, and the engineering principles for a good rocket design. The exciting world of air rockets awaits you!
Diffusion Cloud Chamber
Learn basic electronic components (resistors, LEDs, switch, capacitors, potentiometer, transistors) and build electronic circuits exploiting their properties on a breadboard (prototyping board).
Build a simple homopolar motor and experience the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in this workshop!
Flight Science Crash(ing) Course
Ever wonder how planes fly? Learn about the science of flight through exciting experiments using simple materials. Put your knowledge to the test: design your own aircraft from scratch, in whichever way you want it, using a computer game called SimplePlanes, then test to see if it really flies!
Fun with Electronics
Learn basic electronic components (resistors, LEDs, switch, capacitors, potentiometer, transistors) and build electronic circuits exploiting their properties on a breadboard (prototyping board).
Measuring Magnetic Field Strength
In this workshop, participants will re-enact Orsted’s experiment that shows that an electric current gives rise to a magnetic field. They will measure magnetic forces using a current balance, derive the magnetic field constant and use it to determine the strength of Earth’s magnetic field.
Measuring the Speed of Light (Basic)
In this workshop, participants will learn to use an oscilloscope to perform high-speed measurements and determine the time it takes a laser beam to travel across an optical setup.
Optical Spectroscopy
In this non-mathematical workshop, students build their own spectroscopes and use them to observe spectra of various light sources, culminating in the observation of Fraunhofer spectral lines in daylight. The characteristic properties of different types of spectra (atomic, molecular and solid-state origin) are qualitatively explained.
Properties of Forces
What is a force? What can forces do? Join us in learning about the effects of forces and the various types of forces observed in our daily lives. Expect to bring home some interesting facts about gravity, magnetism and friction through a series of fun demonstrations. May the force be with you!
Shake, Rattle & Roll
Build a structure and subject it to various forces to test its stability! This fun, hands-on investigation requires you to think about friction, forces and balance, and how to use these concepts to make stable structures. Comparison with real-time structures will be highlighted, in particular those able to withstand extreme forces such as earthquakes.
Speed of Sound (Basic)
In this workshop, students will learn to use an oscilloscope to measure the time it takes sound to travel for a given distance, and accurately determine the speed of sound.
In this workshop, participants will apply Ohm’s law and the 4-wire (Kelvin) technique to accurately measure small resistances. They will observe the resistance of a ceramic superconductor material diminish – and suddenly disappear completely – as the material is cooled down using liquid nitrogen.
Water Rockets
Looks like water, feels like water, but it is rocket fuel! Turn an ordinary PET bottle into an amazing rocket using everyday materials. Just like real rockets, your PET bottle rocket makes use of Newton’s Laws to propel itself fast and far. In this exciting workshop, explore the various scientific concepts behind water rockets through ,and launch your rocket safely under the guidance of our rocket instructors!
World of Spectra
Much of our understanding of the world originates from investigating visible light. In this workshop, you get to assemble your own laser-cut spectroscope and use it to explore the surprising variety in the composition of light from common sources. This workshop aims to cultivate an interest in using basic physical phenomena as tools for scientific exploration.

Fuel Cells
Fuel cells hold great promise in today’s global relentless search for new demand and supply of clean energy. In this workshop, participants will learn about the different fuel cell technologies and gain insight into the working principles of Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane(PEM) Fuel cells.